Sorry no information of location. Perhaps someone will enlighten me.
Believed to be Theatre
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Submitted by chadwick1
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Wednesday, January 1, 1958
- Believed to be Theatre shows Place King Wah restaurant, Nathan Road [????-????]
Likely a restaurant. The
Likely a restaurant. The four big Chinese words written vertically on the right mentions wedding cakes. The big image in the middle is a portrait of the god for longevity. The three billboards down below mention three separate weddings. The most likely location for this mishmash of billboards is a Chinese restaurant big enough for wedding and birthday banquets to be held.
But I have no idea of the location or the name of the restaurant.
It's a restaurant on Nathan Road
It's the King Wah Restaurant 瓊華 on Nathan Road in Mong Kok in the late 50s or early 60s.
The 4 vertical words on the right - 結婚禮餅 implied 'wedding cake caterer' or literally 結婚 - marriage 禮餅 - gift cake.
The exact words can be seen on these photos in the centre (Google image search - King Wah Nathan Road 1950s )
The 3 floral panels erected on the façade were announcements of wedding feasts taking place at that time. It seems there were 3 separate wedding celebrations, but then King Wah was a massive restaurant with about 4 or 5 floors.
On a personal note, the chief cashier was a Mr Yu, his family and ours were friends and also neighbours.
King Wah Restaurant
Thank you for your detailed information about the King Wah. It was taken between late 1956 and June 1958 when I returned to UK. I assume I took the photograph whilst on Kowloon side on way to play cricket. The phtograph was one of my first attemps to enlarge. It ended up with too much contrast. Stephen
1960s King Wah Restaurant
The Paramount Theatre was next to the King Wah Restaurant.
king wah
Another view of King Wah restaurant at nathan rd-shantung st junction
king wah close up view
The shop front of king wah in the 80s. One can see from the signs the right hand side was selling cake while the left side was a restaurant.
The street on the left is nathan road. The street on the right is shantung street.
King Wah restaurant. Nathan Road
Thanks for your input and translation. After sixty odd years since I took the photo I'm delighted that people are still looking and commenting on my old photos. I was just impressed with the decorations and was quite unable to translate the characters then and now. Stephen Chadwick.
how it looks like today and 100 years ago
Comparison of the nathan road-shantung street junction today and around 100 years ago. The King wah restaurant at 628 nathan road had become the king wah centre and chow sang sang jewellery.