Photo from a family album.
"Hongkong Taken from The Peak"
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Submitted by Mandy Hills
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Saturday, January 1, 1910
- "Hongkong Taken from The Peak" shows Place Kingsclere / Kingsclere Hotel - Kennedy Road - IL 1381 [c.1901-1924]
A good view of Kingsclere (c
A good view of Kingsclere (c.1901) in the foreground, but no sign of the Helena May (1916), so this photo taken c.1910.
Regards, David
Re: Photo
Interesting photo. Holt's Wharf warehouses were completed about 1907/08. The KCR terminus at TST is yet to take shape. The naval dry-dock looks new and completed but the dockyard cranes are not to be seen. The dockyard cranes were erected in 1907. HK Weekly Press 29 April 1907 refers.