Kowloon Mosque | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Kowloon Mosque

Kowloon Mosque
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Saturday, January 1, 1910


Same picture postcard.

1910s Kowloon Mosque

Thanks Moddsey, good to get the date. From the maps, those photos from the 1910s were taken from Cameron Road, looking across Nathan Road to the mosque on the other side.

The shape of the building is the same on the 1902 and 1924 maps (U-shaped), but then looks different on the 1947 map (rectangular). I wonder if it is just a difference in the style of the map, or if it was really re-built between those dates. Can anyone who saw it before the current mosque was built confirm if it still looked like the 1910s building?

This is the old Kowloon Mosque on the present TST Police Station, so the photo was likely taken from Hillwood Road.

I understand Wikipedia says the old Kowloon Mosque was located at the present TST Police Station. Looking at this photo from the 1950s I am not so sure.

The postcard is from the 1910s. As Hillwood Road was not constructed until the 1930s, I guess one is viewing the old mosque from Cameron Road near the current location.