Sunset Peak, August 1948. Ann Crozier is seated (cardigan, right). Far left may be Elaine Davis. Steve Davis may be the person writing. Others unknown. Copyright Crozier Family.
'Supper at Sunset Peak', 24 August 1948. Ann Crozier is far right of photo. Others include possibly Elaine Davis (far left), Steve Davis, the geographer after whom the hostel was named (centre). Copyright Crozier family.

Submitted by Rugosa
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Tuesday, August 24, 1948
- 'Supper at Sunset Peak', 24 August 1948. Ann Crozier is far right of photo. Others include possibly Elaine Davis (far left), Steve Davis, the geographer after whom the hostel was named (centre). Copyright Crozier family. shows Person Ann CROZIER [1907-1981]