Boris Milenko with other HKU students and nursing students from the Queen Mary Hospital, 1938. The location is most likely close to either the university or hospital. Boris standing close to centre of the photo.
Boris Milenko with other HKU engineering students and nursing students 1938-024.jpg

Submitted by MichaelM
- Boris Milenko with other HKU engineering students and nursing students 1938-024.jpg shows Person Boris Georgievich / Boris George MILENKO (aka Bob) [1917-1984]
- Boris Milenko with other HKU engineering students and nursing students 1938-024.jpg shows Person Alvena WELLSTEAD / MAIN (née LAIHOVETSKY) [????- ]
- Boris Milenko with other HKU engineering students and nursing students 1938-024.jpg shows Person Elena LAIHOVETSKY [????- ]
1938 group
Several familiar faces from my mother's prewar album. Not all were nurses. Standing centre I believe is piano teacher Alvena Laihovetsky aged about 20. I particularly recognise the girl at far left and and the girl next to Alvena. Will try to find their names. Seated second from left would be Elena Laihovetsky, secretary, aged about 18. Will dig out some of my mother's similar pics. - Geoff Wellstead
1938 group Hongkong
Geoff, just curious if you managed to identify any of the others?
1938 student group
Michael - regrettably no.
Curious though to receive an email from your cousin recently seeking to make contact with you. He used an anglicised Russian rendering of my aunt's and mother's maiden surname as 'Layhovezkaya', which suggests he is a predominantly Russian-speaker whereas I have presumed you to be in Australia given your father lived latterly on the Northern Beaches.
1938 student group
Geoff, yes in Australia and on the Northern Beaches