Stanley | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong



Still (0:29:21) from the film 'Love is a many-splendored thing'

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Saturday, January 1, 1955


I don't see Maryknoll in this photo.

From left to right I see:

Old primary school - now "Le Chateau des Arts"

Baat Gaan - (8 houses), the trees and the beach in front of them

Old Stanley Police Station

What is now Banoo Villas

Maryknoll is up in the top-left corner of the photo. It may be hidden by the navigator window (in Chrome I can use ctrl-+ to move the navigator window off the photo).

Regards, David

Maryknoll would be top right.

Top left is Chung Hom Kok.

Please, also add the Old. Stanley Police Station

No, Mary Knoll is on the left. How do we know? Because the angle of the "Baat Gaan" row of houses actually points in the direction of Mary Knoll.

What could be added, also still there, is the small 1 storey building with the chimney (on the right). On Centamap it's marked as Block 6-7 of College House.