Soldier of Fortune - intro harbour scene
Primary tabs

Submitted by philk
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Monday, November 1, 1954
- Soldier of Fortune - intro harbour scene shows Place Clock Tower of KCR Terminus [????- ]
- Soldier of Fortune - intro harbour scene shows Place Godown / shops near Star Ferry [1923-1963]
- Soldier of Fortune - intro harbour scene shows Place Former Marine Police HQ [1884- ]
- Soldier of Fortune - intro harbour scene shows Place Alex. Ross & Co. garage / TST Post Office (3rd location) [c.1929-????]
- Soldier of Fortune - intro harbour scene shows Place KCR Terminus, TST [1916-1978]
- Soldier of Fortune - intro harbour scene shows Place Fire Brigade's drill and hose drying tower, TST [1923-????]
- Soldier of Fortune - intro harbour scene shows Place Star Ferry Terminal, TST (previous generation) [1907-c.1957]