During the height of the Cultural Revolution in1967 , when disturbances had spread to Hong Kong , KCR railway workers had to contend with through freight trains arriving from the Mainland at Tsim Sha Tsui with their wagons festooned with anti-British slogans. This also included some disturbing additions hanging down the wagon sides. The slogan daubed on the end of the wagon reads 打 倒英帝 (" Da Dao Yingdi" - equivalent to "Down with British Imperialism" )
British Imperialism - Slogans
I should have added a rider to my own comment...... If the current British Defence mininster carries out his recent promise to send a Royal Navy aircraft carrier to patrol the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea ........we might well see slogans like this appearing once again.

Typing error
Thanks for correcting my Chinese typo. Must have had too much red wine when I was moving the mouse cursor.