I. L. 1875 Marker Stones at Tramway Path | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

I. L. 1875 Marker Stones at Tramway Path

I. L. 1875 Marker Stones at Tramway Path
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Thursday, July 23, 2009


It seems strange to put three stones at the same place, all with the same number. The last digit on the bottom left stone looks a bit rounded. Maybe it was 1876?

Hi there,

I have seen a few of these.  One in Aplei, another in Hunghom, behind the Kwan Yin Temple.  I will add photos for the Hunghom ones later.

Best Regards,


IL 1875 - Zetland Hall

Tramway Path - St. Joseph's Path
The site on the lower right became the Zetland Hall in 1949