1920s View of Mid levels - toward the Botanical Gardens | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1920s View of Mid levels - toward the Botanical Gardens

1920s View of Mid levels - toward the Botanical Gardens
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Thursday, January 1, 1920


The artist has coloured the building just behind Kingsclere yellow - what was that building ?

Today that site is MANKS (see below).   But what was it when Kingclere existed ?

"MANKS humble beginnings began in a simple 1960’s loft building tucked away in quiet area now known as Soho. Ten years on, Manks lovingly restored a neglected 1935 colonial house off Garden Road, overlooking the Hong Kong Zoological & Botanical Gardens and the Chief Executive's residence. The shophouse as it is fondly known, houses our Modern Design Collection alongside original museum quality antiques. Attracting a loyal following of discerning collectors, architects and designers, we have gone from strength to strength. Involved in small and large scale commercial projects, covering hotels, airports and residential developments."

It's just a bit of poetic licence by whoever tinted the picture. If you look at the photos of Kingsclere from the front you can see there's a taller middle section (the black roof in this photo), then lower wings on either side, and dome-capped towers on each corner. For some reason the closer wing has been tinted a lighter greyish colour in this photo, but in fact grey or yellow it's all the one building.