Letter of May 28 1942 from PoW Camp | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Letter of May 28 1942 from PoW Camp

Letter of May 28 1942 from PoW Camp

A letter from my father, a prisoner of war, to my mother. He mentions his mother, Grace Smith, who was blind and cared for devotedly by Chan, a young Chinese woman with a husband and children. The letter suggests that Chan chose to be interned along with Mrs Smith at Stanley Camp so she could continue to care for her. We have found no record of Chan at Stanley, so assume that she was thrown out of the camp as just one more mouth to feed. Despite attempts by Raymond Smith after the war to trace Chan, her fate remains a mystery. One wonders how many others volunteered as she did to be imprisoned to care for those they loved or served.

According to Google Translate, the Chinese text in the top right of the page says "Hong Kong Prisoners Shelter" - perhaps a loose translation.

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Thursday, May 28, 1942