1978 The Mui Wo Ferry Pier at Lantau Island | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1978 The Mui Wo Ferry Pier at Lantau Island

1978 The Mui Wo Ferry Pier at Lantau Island
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Sunday, January 1, 1978


Hi There,

This is the previous version of the pier.  Just a simple structure with a light roof, maybe even a asbestos one.  I remember in the mid-1970s coming back from a scout troop (XVHKG) camping trip, with a Typhoon signal number 3 on the second day.  My patrol had an bigger tent of eight with only two participants, thus everyone (around twenty) packed their stuffs and sit in our tent and weather out the rain and high wind just before midnight.  Back in those days there is no overnight buses thus we have nowhere to go anyway. 

When the bad weather subsided, we up our tent at day break and headed for the bus for Silverman Bay.  The pier was literraly flooded owing to high tide together with the storm.  Our tent stayed up all night.  There were some leaks, but it did not collapse.

Good experiences outdoors in bad weather.  If it happens today or in the past 10 years or so, the troop may have pull out much earlier. owing to smartphone\Internet access in the wild.    If not parents would likely raise hell.  But kids would never learn how to face bad weather out there.

An off topic side note.  A bit  more than 10 years later (late 1980s), a small group of Hong Kong Scouts (mostly from younger members of XVHKG) represented Hong Kong to in a Scouts Jamboree in Australia.  They also encountered a heavy rain storm at some point on a certain night.   By day break, only the HK Tents remained standing.  Tha was some news back then.




Hi T, thank you for sharing your outdoor memories. And I agree, today ("helicopter") parents surely would call for an immediate rescue operation. Cheers, Klaus