1928 H.M.S/M L3 at Mirs Bay | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1928 H.M.S/M L3 at Mirs Bay

1928 H.M.S/M L3 at Mirs Bay
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Sunday, January 1, 1928


There is an identical copy of this photo in W.R. Fell's own album. Does that mean that several are in circulation? In his legend, WRF has identified the men left to right as "Duff, Big Boy & Chief". I wouldn't have known that the photo had been taken in Mirs Bay. There are others labelled "Mirs Bay" in 1929. I can't remember which officer was nicknamed "Big Boy" - not an advantage for a submariner. I will cross check in due course. The first name of Chief Engineer Waterson (here shown in the foreground), is never given by WRF. There is another photo of him girded in the white towel, that was maybe taken on the same occasion.