High rise building at the end of the road | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

High rise building at the end of the road

High rise building at the end of the road

Brightness level reduced to bring out the overexposed blown-out building.


I can't remember the exact location where I took this picture years ago,but I was trying to capture the peacefulness and quiet

locations to be found in old Kowloon Tong.There was no high rise block in this area,it's a cloud,I can assure you that I would not

have taken this photo with such a building in the background.When I lived in this area late 1950s,early 1960s there were no such

buildings to be seen,all the development came after this picture was taken.


Thank you Mike for sharing your memory of your photo.

On the other page ( https://gwulo.com/atom/16058 ) where I posted the most recent comments, I was still referring to the spot midway between the VW and the two parked cars, that is,  the corner property on the southwest corner of Wiltshire and Oxford.  But after seeing tkjho's darkened photo, I realized the white spot was apparently further east, east of Oxford Road, perhaps on La Salle Road.  That would be one very tall building.  Although the ground rises towards the east, I don't think there was such a high building when looking at the 1963 air photo.  Regards,  Peter