Central circa 1964. Princes Building under construction. The City Hall promenade eerily devoid of people. The old Blake Pier still in postion. IDJ
Central 1964
Primary tabs

Submitted by IDJ
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Wednesday, January 1, 1964
- Central 1964 shows Place City Hall (2nd & current generation) [1962- ]
- Central 1964 shows Place Hilton Hotel [1963-1995]
- Central 1964 shows Place Prince's Building (2nd & current generation) [1965- ]
- Central 1964 shows Place Blake Pier (1st generation, 1st location) [1900-1965]
- Central 1964 shows Place Central Star Ferry Pier (3rd location, Edinburgh Place) [1957-2006]
- Central 1964 shows Place P&O Building (5th generation) [c.1965-c.1980]
- Central 1964 shows Place Star Ferry Multi-storey Car Park [1957- ]
- Central 1964 shows Place General Post Office (Connaught Rd / Pedder St site) [1911-1977]
- Central 1964 shows Place St. George's Building (1st Generation) [1904-1966]
- Central 1964 shows Place GPO Mail distribution bridge and tower [c.1955-c.1977]
re: Central 1964
Central's skyline changed a lot around that time - compare it to this photo taken around five years earlier: