Tents at Big Wave Bay | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Tents at Big Wave Bay

Tents at Big Wave Bay

A Hakka Woman putting buckets of water by tents rented at Big Wave Bay

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Sunday, January 1, 1956


They look very similar to these tents at Shek O. Did they have them at Big Wave Bay too?

regards, David


Shek O is often called Dai Long Wan, as is that beautiful beach near Sai Kung which I expect you are thinking of. No doubt this picture is of Shek O.


Yes, David, they had them at Big Wave Bay as well - we used to go there more often than to Shek-O and I have lots more photos but haven't posted them as they are of family members and friends relaxing by and in the tents.  There was also a lifesaver who used to sit on a chair high above the water in the middle of the bay.  His role was to look for sharks - when he saw one, he would ring a bell and everyone would exit the water.  Often I think the fins were porpoise or dolphin fins, but no one ever took the chance and they high tailed it out of the sea!

Lim-Peng, I've made a couple of places for the two beaches, Shek O and Big Wave Bay, to show where they are on a map.

Alison, I'm happy to say we've got shark nets around the beaches now. I'm not sure how effective they really are at keeping sharks out, but they give a bit of reassurance!

Regards, David

Above Big Wave Bay: http://gwulo.com/node/5649

Thanks I had forgotten about that Big Wave Bay, I was thinking of Tai Long Wan on the Sai Kung Peninsular.

Shek O is the name of the pennisula where Shek O Beach locates, and Shek O Beach is not the same as Dai Long Wan (Big Wave Beach). You can search the Google Map to find out these two beaches in same district. :-)

In most of days, nobody can swim in Big Wave Beach because the wave and red flag.

This picture doesn't look like the Big Wave Beach in HK Island, but the one in Sai Kung. The name of this is Tai Long Wan, and it has two beaches: Tai Wan (Big Beach) and Sai Wan (West Beach) which is normally called as Tai Long Sai Wan by local people. This Tai Long Wan locates at eastern of Sai Kung East County Park.


This was definitely Hong Kong Island - we never went to beaches at Sai Kung.  I know for a fact it was HK - it is marked on the back of the photo.