Ma Wan Beach Resort-1947 | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Ma Wan Beach Resort-1947

Ma Wan Beach Resort-1947

This would seem to be a good idea a bit ahead of its time. I wonder how long it operated and how many customers it attracted.

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Friday, June 6, 1947


Hi there,

I have a faint impression that (I heard from some elders when I was a kid) there had been a nudist's assocation started up a resort in Shatin in the 1930's but had moved to somewhere in Ma Wan.  I wonder if this one would have anything to do with it........

Let's see if this could stir up some further discussions.

Best Regards,


quote from Pete Spurrier's "Leisurely Hikers Guide" First Edition.

p.292 - "The nearest tower of the bridge [Tsing Ma] stands on the site of Wok Tai Wan, a once secluded bay which was used as a nudist colony in the 1950s"

Wiki confirms T's reference to Shatin: