Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1865: Praya

1904: City Hall

2010: # 1235 Canton Road Shophouse

1997: Peak Fire Station

: Jardine's Corner - Mt. Kellett

1925: 1920s Shau Kei Wan

1910: Eyrie

1910: Haystack

1869: Zetland Hall

1868: Zetland Hall

1900: Mt. Gough

1910: The Eyrie - Victoria Peak - Chung Yeung Festival

1916: Helena May - Opening Day

2007: Still of Helena May animation

1923: 1923 Connaught Rd Central looking west

1900: unknown #2

1904: Central Market

1904: View from back window of Hong Kong Hotel

: Chinese lady with children on corner of Pottinger Street

1893: Hong Kong Hotel

1870: Pedder Street

1845: 1845 Map of Aberdeen

1869: Dent & Co.

1886: Peddars Wharf

1900: 1900 Praya Central Buildings
