Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2009: Wartime stoves

2009: Wartime stoves

2009: Wartime stoves

2009: Belvedere

2009: Singapore War Heritage

2009: Battle Box, S'pore

2009: Secret Tunnel, Lab Park

2009: Lab Park, S'pore

1928: 1928 Hong Kong Heights

: Bunker above Pok Fu Lam reservoir

2009: Pok Fu Lam No. 1 Service reservoir

2009: Pok Fu Lam No. 1 Service reservoir

2009: Pok Fu Lam No. 1 Service reservoir

1962: Des Voeux Rd C

1948: 1940s KCR Terminus

1950: KCR Terminus

1950: Buildings around the cricket pitch

1965: 1960s Jordan Road Ferry Pier

1968: 1960s Jordan Road Ferry Pier

1968: 1960s Jordan Road Ferry Pier

1937: 1930s Jordan Road Ferry Pier

1973: Jordan Road ferry pier

1915: 1915 Dead Tiger

1963: 1963 Central Aerial View

1955: 1950s Central Panorama
