Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1940: Hong Kong, a boat in a harbor

: Luk Keng pillboxes - PB08

: Luk Keng pillboxes - PB07

: Luk Keng pillboxes - PB07

: Luk Keng pillboxes - PB07

: Luk Keng pillboxes - PB07

1950: 1950 Bank of China

1910: 1910s Former GPO

1910: 1910s Former GPO

1910: 1910s Queen's Building

1900: 1900s Queen's Building on Praya Central Reclamation

: 1890s Praya Central Reclamation

1950: 1950s Central waterfront

: Luk Keng pillboxes - PB06

: Luk Keng pillboxes - PB06

: Luk Keng pillboxes - PB06

: Luk Keng pillboxes - PB06

: Luk Keng pillboxes - PB06

: Luk Keng pillboxes - PB05

: Luk Keng pillboxes - PB05

: Luk Keng pillboxes - PB05

: Luk Keng pillboxes - PB05

: Luk Keng pillboxes - PB05

: Luk Keng pillboxes - PB05

: Luk Keng pillboxes - PB05
