1955: 1955, Charlie Leung-Yee, Commander-in-Chief Award, Far East Land Forces
1958: 1958, Charlie Leung Chung-Yee, Queen's Birthday parade
1959: Royal Hong Kong Regiment, Governor's salute
1955: 1955, Charlie Leung Chung-Yee, King George VI bravery commendation
1959: Royal Hong Kong Regiment, Governor's salute
1959: 1959, Charlie Leung Chung-Yee, Royal Hong Kong Regiment
1959: 1959, Charlie Leung Chung-Yee, Royal Hong Kong Regiment
1958: 1958, Charlie Leung Chung-Yee, Queen's Birthday parade
1955: Charlie Leung Chung-Yee, Royal Hong Kong Regiment
1955: Charlie Leung Chung-Yee, Royal Hong Kong Regiment
1958: Charlie Leung Chung-Yee, Royal Hong Kong Regiment
1958: Charlie Leung Chung-Yee, Royal Hong Kong Regiment
1958: 1958, Charlie Leung Chung-Yee, Queen's Birthday parade
1958: 1958, Charlie Leung Chung-Yee, Queen's Birthday parade
1959: Royal Hong Kong Regiment, Governor's salute
1959: Royal Hong Kong Regiment, Governor's salute
1958: Charlie Leung Chung-Yee, Royal Hong Kong Regiment
2020: Map of Discovery Bay - Lantau Island.jpg
: RBL Stones Shouson Hill
: Double Entrance of Japanese Tunnels on MT. Collinson
: Tai Tam Reservoir Japanese Tunnel
: Leighton Hill ARP tunnel ventilation shaft