Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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: Site for the lower battery emplacement

: DEL 2

: DEL 1

1957: B Watch Comms section.

1958: Cunningham and Gibbons.

1910: Queens Road Central c1910.

1950: Race course 1950s.

1910: The Peak c1910.

1957: Transport Command flight form.

1958: Wanchai Chow Stalls.

1958: Wanchai street.

: AASL engine room

: AASL engine room

: AASL engine room

1974: The bridge once stretching over water

1958: 1958 RAF Police Dog March-past - Queen's Birthday Parade

: Enter the dragon

: Enter the dragon

: Enter the dragon

: Enter the dragon

1957: Typhoon Wendy 1957-newspaper report.

1957: Typhoon Wendy 1957-newspaper report.

: Tytam Villa - RBL 145 Jetty Port

: Tytam Villa - RBL 145 Jetty Port

: Tytam Villa - RBL 145 Jetty Port
