Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1966: 1966 Film studio (Wader Motion Pictures)

1960: Junction of Kansu and Battery Street

1959: 1959加士居道 (Gascoigne Road)

1853: 1853 Plan of the Cantonment at Victoria

1850: "Section through the line of Cast Iron Water Pipes"

1850: Closeup of cast iron tanks

: Nanyang Film Company / 南洋影片公司

: Grandview Film Company Limited / 大觀片塲

: Great Wall Film Studio / 長城電影公司

: Wader Studio / 華達製片廠

: Mahjong-SixAgainstOne.jpg

1875: c.1875 Victoria

1900: c.1900 Happy Valley

1910: Public Square Street, Temple Street junction, Yau Ma Tei,1910s

1910: 1910年代油麻地天后古廟 (Tin Hau Temple)

1930: Kwong Chee Theatre

: Portland Theatre.png

1950: Ritz Theatre

1980: Paris Theatre

1952: Kwong Ming Theatre 1952

1952: Alhambra Theatre 1952

: China~Rialto 中華~麗都 First Sign.jpg

: Park 百樂.jpg

: Palace Theatre 碧麗宮 day view

1955: National 國民 Bright Entrance.jpg
