Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2015: First inscription.

2015: Second inscription.

2015: Third inscription.

2015: Fourth inscription

2015: structure with remains of post in top.

2015: structure in undergrowth

2015: Rear of structure

2015: Interior of structure

2015: Front view of unidentified structure.

2015: Repulse Bay Map

: Tse Dickuan's list of POWs. Page 37 of 45

: Tse Dickuan's list of POWs. Page 38 of 45

: Tse Dickuan's list of POWs. Page 39 of 45

: Tse Dickuan's list of POWs. Page 40 of 45

: Tse Dickuan's list of POWs. Page 31 of 45

: Tse Dickuan's list of POWs. Page 32 of 45

: Tse Dickuan's list of POWs. Page 33 of 45

: Tse Dickuan's list of POWs. Page 34 of 45

: Tse Dickuan's list of POWs. Page 35 of 45

: Tse Dickuan's list of POWs. Page 36 of 45

: Tse Dickuan's list of POWs. Page 18 of 45

: Tse Dickuan's list of POWs. Page 19 of 45

: Tse Dickuan's list of POWs. Page 20 of 45

: Tse Dickuan's list of POWs. Page 21 of 45

: Tse Dickuan's list of POWs. Page 22 of 45
