Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1941: ARP portal ???, near HSBC, west end of Battery Path

1941: ARP portal ???, near HSBC, west end of Battery Path

1941: ARP portal ???, near HSBC, west end of Battery Path

1941: ARP portal ???, near HSBC, west end of Battery Path

1941: Duke of Connaught Statue

1955: 1950s Wyndham Street

1941: Wyndham Street

2014: erythrina caffra flower bundle.jpg

2014: Erythrina-caffra-coral-tree.jpg

2014: Tsui Sing Lau pagoda corbel bricks count.jpg

2014: Funghuang pagoda corbel bricks count.jpg

1933: Old Hong Kong

1890: Annotated A076

1901: c.1901 - "The Naval Department Buildings, Queen's Road"

1901: Annotated NDA11

1901: Cart

1901: Rickshaw

1901: Shoulder poles

1901: Tank

1962: View.jpg

: 22BroadwoodRd.jpg

1964: 1964CausewayBay.jpg

: BackPath.jpg

: BackPath1.jpg

: BackPath2.jpg
