Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1995: The picture of the Eastern Street taken on 22nd April, 1995

1934: Club House on left and #6 Bungalow on right at Shek O

1934: #6 Bungalow Shek O with part of Rocky Bay in the foreground

1953: Old Botanic Gardens

1953: NT Farmer and Buffalo

1953: Rickshaw Puller

1950: Wreaths For Sale

1953: Fruit, Flowers and Wreaths - Western District - c1953

1950: Funeral Procession - Mongkok

1950: Old Botanic Gardens

1953: Old Botanic Gardens

1953: Afternoon Break at Shatin Roadhouse - 1953

1900: Ridgeline, houses, and Police Station

1900: c.1900 View of beached sampans along the Yau Ma Tei shoreline

1887: 1887 Map of Yau Ma Tei

1900: Children

1900: Men

1900: Houses & ridgeline

1900: Odds and ends

: Dills Corner. Sek Kong

1955: 1950s Camel Paint Factory

1954: Kowloon Peak

2013: Blocked entrances of ARP Network 04, Hospital Road

2013: Blocked entrances of ARP Tunnel Network 04, Hospital Road

2013: Blocked entrances of ARP Network 04, Hospital Road
