1950s Kowloon Star Ferry & Rickshaw | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1950s Kowloon Star Ferry & Rickshaw

1950s Kowloon Star Ferry & Rickshaw

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Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Sunday, January 1, 1950


I have ridden in this rickshaws many years ago in HK. I always sat with my body leaning forward for fear the whole thing will tilt backward and lift the man up into the air. Another memorable ride was in a 3-wheel cycling rickshaw in Guangzhou during the rain. The man had his raincoat and straw-hat on and I was protected with a curtain wrapping the front of the cabin. It was an exciting journey in a security blanket for the small boy.

The building at the background with San Miguel was the former site of Star House. I remember the opening scenes of the movie 'World of Suzie Wong' also showed this area - Star Ferry and Kowloon Wharf.