1910s Victoria Hospital | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1910s Victoria Hospital

1910s Victoria Hospital
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Friday, January 1, 1915


As you already know, the foundation stone of the Victoria Hospital was laid on 22 June 1897 to commorate Queen Victoria's 60th year.   Paul Chater again played a very significant part in this and all the events surrounding this celebration.

An extract from my research:

After this [brief] explanation the Honorary C.P. Chater presented His Excellency with the trowel and mallet  and asked him to lay the stone.  The trowel is of handsomely carved silver with an ivory handle and the inscription reads as follows.

Presented to H.E. Sir William Robinson K.C.M.G. by the Hon. C.P. CHATER,  on the occasion of the laying of the Foundation Stone of the Victoria Hospital for Women and Children to be erected in commemoration of the completion of the 60th year of the Reign of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria


The mallet is of solid ivory on which is engraved His Excellency’s crest.. Both the trowel and the mallet are the gifts of the Hon. C.P. Chater. 


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Hope this is of interest to some of you.


Best wishes
