1960s Mercury House | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1960s Mercury House

1960s Mercury House

Prior to Mercury House, Electra House stood on the same site. It was demolished in 1948.

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Friday, January 1, 1965


Hi there,

Behind the Mandarin Hotel it was the St. Georges House, and then the Union House (Now the newer building is called the Chater House).  Union House could not be seen in the photo, however.  We also have the former GPO in the photo, as well as the modern day City Hall high block, and the car park.

Best Regards,


I thought the City Hall (high block) is to the east of the 2 storey parking?

1960s City Hall Car Parks








There are 2 car parks thst straddle City Hall High Block. Cheers