Albany Filter Beds - 1920s | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Albany Filter Beds - 1920s

Albany Filter Beds - 1920s
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Thursday, January 1, 1920


Are you sure of the 1950 dating? ;-)

I would guess around 1905-10, seeing that the red building on the ridgeline below the BMH is just finished (loose spoil around the buidling site).


A Palm tree was planted when the LRC swimming pool was built in 1948.  Previous views don't show the palm tree, which is why I picked the 1950s. 

I see now that it appers that the Wanchai reclamation has not started.  So any other advice on the date, expecially what the "red roofed" building is, and when it was built would be appreciated.

Also, I think I can see Kingsclere, so that makes it 1900 -1928.


I can't see Ex-Commodore's House, No. 5 Bowen Road (1914).
but the BMH is finished, so 1905-14??

The red building on the ridgeline is on Military land below Borrett road, I'd be surprised if people don't know what it is.