1910s Mid-Levels Buildings between Macdonnell and Kennedy Roads | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1910s Mid-Levels Buildings between Macdonnell and Kennedy Roads

1910s Mid-Levels Buildings between Macdonnell and Kennedy Roads
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Friday, January 1, 1915


I guess the road on the right was Kennedy Road and the road in the center was Macdonnell Road. The grand mansion on a terrace on the left of the photo was Braeside, wasn't it? Then if the building below Braeside is where the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of PRC now standing, Macdonnell Road shall be on building's left, instead of on the right. I am confused. Would it be that it was not Macdonnell Road, but a footpath going down from Macdonnell Road to Kennedy Road?

I don't believe Braeside is shown in this scene. There's another copy of this postcard with the buildings identified at https://gwulo.com/atom/31782