c1900. Photo back | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

c1900. Photo back

c1900. Photo back
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Monday, January 1, 1900


based on the handwriting and I think the 4th line says something "xxx in der mitten"

The long word in the third line looks a like a slightly flamboyant version of Strassenbahn, followed by Station.

This is Old German (Suetterlin) handwriting, saying:

"Blick vom Club auf den Hafen; weiter unten Drahtseilbahn - Station; direkt in der Mitte Haus mit Türmen unser Office."

Translation: "View from club onto the harbour; further down steel cable tram station; directly in the centre house with towers our office."

While my translation might not be perfect, it should be fairly accurate.