1950s St Teresa's Church | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1950s St Teresa's Church

1950s St Teresa's Church
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Saturday, January 1, 1955


I remember seeing in the 1990s, on an inside wall, by the main entrance, an engraved list of benefactors, with black embossing. The embossing had been removed from one name, although it was still easily legible. That  name was Benito Mussolini. I wonder if it is still there. 

Nice picture. I was married there in 1957 and had a reception at Nairn House afterwards. Ho Lim-peng, is it alright if I copy this picture?


This photo was uploaded by Moddsey. His standard reply is that it is ok to use the photo, noting it was found on Gwulo.

Regards, David