3 Barker Road | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

3 Barker Road

3 Barker Road

US Consul in residence

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Tuesday, January 1, 1980


hi IDJ, can you add the tag for this building, as seen here: http://gwulo.com/node/5696. thanks

The American Consul's house "3 Barker Road" is in the extreme top left corner of this photo.  About 1981, the residence was rebuilt to add more housing.    Perhaps the US rented "1 Barker road" next door, during the Construction.

The building which is the main subject of this photo was Farnborough, 1 Barker Road (see http://gwulo.com/node/5702). The US flag which seems to be sticking out of its roof may in fact have been located next door up the hill in the official residence of the US Consulate General at 3 Barker Road - the main building of which is out of sight.

At the top of the photo, the white building with the semi-circular balcony on its front appears to be Normandie, 22 Severn Road (http://gwulo.com/node/7752).