The Hermitage - 10 Caine Road ? | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

The Hermitage - 10 Caine Road ?

The Hermitage - 10 Caine Road ?
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Wednesday, January 1, 1908


This photo shows No. 10 Caine Road, residence of HO Fook. The building was damaged by mudslide in the early 1900's. HO Fook then moved to Hermitage, the corner of Kennedy Road intersecting Macdonnell Rd.



"The Hermitage" Caine Road. 

If you search Gwulo for "The Hermitage" you will see many listings for a house of that name on Caine Road as late as 1896. 

Listings for Ho Fook can be found for 1906/7/8 show his address as 10 Caine Road, so it seems he was still living there then.

Did he take the house name "Hermitage" with him to Kennedy Road, the same way that Belilios took the house name "Kingsclere" from his Caine Road house to Kingsclere on Kennedy Road?