Race Track and Sports Field
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Submitted by Admin
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Tuesday, January 1, 1935
- Race Track and Sports Field shows Place Happy Valley Racecourse [1846- ]
- Race Track and Sports Field shows Place St Albert's Priory / Rosary Hill [1935-1962]
- Race Track and Sports Field shows Place Permanent Stands at Happy Valley Racecourse (1st generation) [1931-1957]
re: Happy Valley
The imposing white building below Mt Nicholson was the St Albert's Priory, later know as Rosary Hill, which was built that year. There also appears to a large obelisk above the Zooastrian cemetery, which I've not see before. Sports Road in foreground.
re: Happy Valley
Thanks for the St Albert's info. I've added that to the Places Shown.
I think the white obelisk is probably just a scratch on the photo, at least I can't see anything similar on this Harrison Forman photo.
Regards, David
Police Recreation Club(PRC)