I'll guess that the group of photos on & around Signal Hill photos were taken in 1937. One of them shows the 'Taipo Belle' attached to the back of a train. As moddsey notes, this service started in Oct 1936, so it can't be earlier than that.
Jim's range finder at top of Signal Hill tower looking east to harbour entrance
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Submitted by Admin
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Friday, January 1, 1937
- Jim's range finder at top of Signal Hill tower looking east to harbour entrance shows Place Signal Hill - Blackhead Point [1907- ]
Signal Hill tower
Has there been some remodelling of the openings of the tower because this photo clearly shows an arched doorway. I can't seem to find anything matching it on the tower from more recent photos. The top storey windows are circular but I wonder if they used to be doorways that have no been bricked in at the bottom?
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Windows / Doorways
Hi Phil,
This 1950s photo shows the north side has a round window, but the east side has the railings and doorway shown in the photo above. I'm not sure if it's still like that?
Regards, David
East window
Hi David - many thanks, I hadn't spotted the east side actually and it looks as though it may still be like that (I tried to find a picture on Panoramio and saw a couple that seem to show it. Here's one of them http://www.panoramio.com/photo/9708167
Cheers and have a happy Xmas and New Year