1961 Doug Brentlinger's photos | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1961 Doug Brentlinger's photos

1961 Doug Brentlinger's photos
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Sunday, January 1, 1961


 I lived near Deep Water Bay until recently and was facinated to see Doug Brentlingers 1961 photos of the area. Doug took the above photo about 100 meters down Repulse Bay Road from Wong Nei Chung Gap with the “Spanish-style” villa “Estrellita”, at 12 Repulse Bay Road, in the centre.

Estrellita 2012


Little has changed in the vicinity over the last 61 years, with the exception of the tower block on the left. I think the block seen  is one of those now standing on The Ridge, the scene of heavy fighting during the 1941 Battle of Hong Kong.

Nice work - thanks for taking these comparison photos, and posting them for us to see. As you say, the pace of change here has been much slower than over on the north side of the island.

Regards, David