Pottinger Street | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Pottinger Street

Pottinger Street
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Saturday, January 1, 1955


Just noticing the street furniture: the old utility box on road level as well as some kind of tower vent mid-way up Pottinger St. Would it be possible for the photo to have been taken later than 1950?

Hi there,

In the photo we can see the sign of Yung Kee Restaurant (鏞記).    They moved to Pottinger Street in 1944 and did not bought their current site in stages until 1964.  At least we have a time frame of this photo.  Might need some Fashion/apparel experts to inspect what the people were wearing for further clues.

Best Regards,


Reply from Bill:

I would say definitely on my second visit..1955 to 1958.......because during my first visit...I was stationed up in Shek Kong...there were no shops up there then...we were living in tents...in what was a very barren area..where we served for fifteen months before being sent to Korea.in April 1951.

We used to get in to town..but most times we spent in and out of bars.....and I don't remember buying photographs...BUT...that was sixty two years ago...and my brain has rusted a bit since then...

I've updated the date to 1955.

Regards, David

Thanks Bill.

The reason I enquired was the appearance of tower vent (?) in your photo. In 1954, the Pottinger St air raid tunnel as seen here  had not been back filled

Just guessing, the tower vent may have had something to do with the tunnel.

1950s Pottinger Street

Hi Moddsey, I don't think the vent is connected to the tunnel. The tunnel was higher up the slope, and there's no sign of the vent in this photo taken around 1946:

Pottinger Street

We've previously had a conversation about a vent near there, that said it was for an underground toilet.

Regards, David

That appears more plausible