c.1905 Tram ticket | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

c.1905 Tram ticket

c.1905 Tram ticket

Thanks to Joseph Tse for this photo. He notes that the company name, "Electric Traction Company of Hong Kong" dates the ticket to between 1904-6.

Does anyone know where Observation Place was? I've got a feeling it was in Wanchai, but can't remember where I saw that.

We have a Place for the Metropole Hotel, and the "New Docks" should be Taikoo.

Regards, David

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Friday, June 30, 1905


Hi David,

Just matching places between the English side and Chinese side, I think Observation Place is referred to as 'Gooseneck' in Chinese.  On the Chinese side, I see 'Post Office - Gooseneck', and then 'Gooseneck to Metropole Hotel'.


Hi there,

Referring to the Chinese version of it, it was printed as 鵝頸 (Goose Neck).  That would mean the present day location on Hennessy Road & Canal Road.

I guess the ticket also showed clues on how the trams work on single track back then.

Best Regards,


Thanks T & Breskvar, then it should be around this spot:

1920s Bowrington Canal

where the tram crossed Bowrington Canal.

Regards, David

Tramways Ordinance 1904

The authorized tram stopping places along Praya East from west to east were:

a) Arsenal Street (corner of Queen's Rd and Praya East)

b) Junction of Observation Place and Praya East

c) West and East ends of Bowrington Bridge

d) Percival St

Observation Place would have been on Praya East just north of today's Tin Lok Lane. Observation Place also had a stone pier which in 1907 became known as Observation Street Wharf.

Thanks Moddsey, I've made a Place for it: http://gwulo.com/node/13581

Regards, David

In general searching of HKT name "Electric Traction Company" the finding was「香港電力牽引有限公司」however the pictured ticket reads「香港電車局」shall be the answer.