Cheung Chau in the '50s | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Cheung Chau in the '50s

Cheung Chau in the '50s
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Sunday, January 1, 1956


Thank you for sharing this photo.

It was taken from the hill just north of Pai Tai Temple. On the distant left is the Kwun Yam Wan area with Fa Peng and Nam Tam area in behind. Then the Peak Road goes along the headland westwardly with the buildings of the Alliance Bible College standing high in sight. The Peak Road goes all the way to Sai Wan where the famous Cheung Po Tsai is nearby.

On the hills of distant right is the ideal place for children to fly kites or to watch the airplanes fly-by in descent. I remember those crazy Vampire Jets screaming over us on their sudden passage here, so fast that we never able to to read their markings.

The busy part of the island, between Tung wan and the dominant harbour on the west,  is full of activities. Always easy going. People are happier, for the sense of peace is everywhere.  And this is the old Cheung Chau.

Will tell more soon
