Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter - 1954 | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter - 1954

Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter - 1954
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Friday, January 1, 1954


Any idea if this was still the old typhoon shelter in 1954, or if that had already been filled in by then to make Victoria Park?

Regards, David

Hi David,

The Yacht Club is visible in the photo and quite close too.  This would put the photographer somewhere a bit west of the Jardine Godown (present day Excelcia Hotel/World Trade Centre) back then.  That part is not filled in for the Victoria Park.  That was filled in for the Cross Harbour Tunnel and the extended Gloucester Road.

Best Regards,


Hi David - from what I remember, I took the photo after walking east along the waterfront after visiting the old China Fleet Club, which was near the waterfront in those days. There was little new reclamation there, so presume it is the old typhoon shelter. I can't decipher the large Chinese characters on the square buildings on the left of the photo, but presume it is the Yacht Club as 'T' states and confirmed by the moored yachts in the picture.


Thanks gentlemen. With T's location, that'll make this the new typhoon shelter.

Regards, David