Waterloo Road | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road - Feb 2013

Tried to include this as a comparison pic to the photo in a previous 1960's Waterloo Road thread.

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Friday, February 15, 2013


This photograph brings back a lot of memories. I was intimately involved with the construction of the two buildings on the right side of Waterloo Road inside the then Osborne Barracks. (I presume the PLA have renamed the barracks?) The two buildings were the PSA/Naafi Store and the 50 Command Workshops beyond. The construction period was 1980-1983.


Ian - they're now called KLN East Barracks and as far as I am aware have stayed empty since the handover. My wife used to have some friends who lived there (they were in married quarters) and she said they are some of the biggest apartments she has seen in HK - absolutely huge - and I am surprised the Govt hasn't asked for them back for redevelopment.