Tsim Sha Tsui?? | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Tsim Sha Tsui??

Tsim Sha Tsui??

How about this one? Tsim Sha Tsui as well?

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Sunday, January 1, 1905


Maybe the barracks on the left?

I tend to agree with Philk that the photo is of Haiphong Road taken from Canton Road. The pillar on the left I believe is still standing and Whitfield Barracks is on the left. At the base of the pillar is a War Department Boundary Stone similar to the one shown here

shld be the start of Haiphong Road near Canton Road - some of those pillars are still there

Hi there,

And one War Department marker too.

Best Regards,


Here's a view of the gateposts today.

WDBS and blocked up gateway on Haiphong Road

The right pillar is complete, but the one on the left only has the base remaining. And at some point the opening between the pillars has been filled in. The pointed boundary stone is still there though, just visible below the red backpack.

Regards, David