Police Training School. PTS. RHKP. | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Police Training School. PTS. RHKP.

Police Training School. PTS. RHKP.

Just by the entrance to the Officers Mess. The ground floor of the quarters. On the green outside here we had a big BBQ. one Saturday/night about Feb. 1975 -that went on into the early hours. One of the instructors (a european CIP) who was into Kung Fu / Karate things decided to show us the mental side (we all thought thats about right) of the Karate thing and taking his shoes off walked across the hot coals of the BBQ, a distance of about 10' at the end of which he stood there. We said, "did it hurt?" He said, "not much." and looking down, the socks which he had left on were a little on fire with bright glowing sparks on the areas that were about to go up in flames and there was a nice smell of roast meat about the place but there was nothing on the BBQ at this time. That cost us 3 pints of beer to put out the sparks and a 2 handed carry to the chairs. He was alright but didn't dance much that night. We were a bit cheesed off with him because he tried to get us to do the same, so we left him alone that night. The thought came to mind, 'one drunk nutter short of a padded cell' came to mind.  About 5am someone spilt a drink on someone by accident. (couldnt stand up) anyway by return he got a pint poured on him. (still in full mess suits as you do) this spilt onto someone else and so on until it became the norm to christen anyone around with a pint. This escalated when the fire buckets came into play and what topped the mountain was when the fire hose came out and on. Sleepers in the officers quarters facing the green opened their windows to complain about the noise and then wished they hadn't as the ones with the hose turned to see who was shouting at them and a brand new tide line was created on their inside bedroom walls. In the end the sleepers were complaining about the noise outside and the ones outside were complaining that the sleepers were cissies and should be doing the honourable thing and attending the BBQ even though it was now 6am time. That created quite a fuss with the boss at  his morning parade when the room boys wanted extra to clean up. They didn't believe the story about the mid-night tsunarme that hit PTS that night. Did you like that?

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Saturday, February 1, 1975


Ray, I remember the fire walking as it was my instructor who did it! Happy Days!!

Can you remember his name please.

My friend sent me an email. The fire walker was Ernie Bailey CIP. PTS 1974