Tramline along Causeway Road in 1940s
Causeway Road in 1940s
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Submitted by Edmond
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Thursday, January 1, 1948
- Causeway Road in 1940s shows Place Causeway Road: The 'Causeway' in Causeway Bay [????- ]
Widening of Causeway Road
HK Sunday Herald 25 January 1948 (Extract)
For many years the road adjoining the Causeway Bay typhoon shelter has been subsiding. At the same time, the road considered too narrow for present day traffic conditons and much too low to avoid flooding in heavy rains is being raised by 4 feet and widened to 100 feet.
I guess the tram photo dates from this period.
Different levels of tramline in Causeway Road
I think Moddsey is right that the raising of Casueway Road was carried out in 1948/49. The source of my posted photo is untraceable now, but I have changed its year taken to"1948".
Thank you