Hong Kong, sandbags stacked to protect a building from air raids | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Hong Kong, sandbags stacked to protect a building from air raids

Hong Kong, sandbags stacked to protect a building from air raids

View the original, larger copy of this image at the UWM website: http://collections.lib.uwm.edu/u?/agsphoto,3959

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Monday, January 1, 1940


The sign of the side of the building says 'Jackson Road', so this photo was taken from Chater Road.

This building is the Supreme Court Building not the Law Courts.  Heavily but neatly sand bagged.  Later used by the Kempeitai for their brutal purposes. 

This practice was repeated during the 67 leftie riots. Many police stations had a chest high sandbag wall similar to this picture outside its main entrance. A police sentry armed with M1 carbine was posted behind the sandbags as an added protection to the station.

Thanks, title on the Place updated

The Former Supreme Court was one of the first Government buildings to be ringed with sandbags. HK Telegraph 20 July 1940 refers.