1965 Barker Road | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1965 Barker Road

1965 Barker Road
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Thursday, April 1, 1965


I found this gem on cliff_dive Flickr page!  It looks like it is from 1965 and shows part of Barker Road.  I believe that is Knightsbridge Court under construction because the building was completed in 1966.

Can any identify the houses on The Peak?  I believe the house with the red roof and four chimneys (beside Knightsbridge Court) is 12 Barker Road, Bracken Hill.  The white house with three balconies should be the old Belgian Consul's Residence, 22 Barker Road.  Is that correct?

I see Victoria House and Victoria Flats, but what are those two houses next to them?  Cragside Mansion and Altadena should be around there today.

What about the houses on the higher streets above Barker Road?  An alternate view: http://www.flickr.com/photos/21184532@N00/3105224367/sizes/l/in/set-72157623249335339/