Stanley, Bungalow E today.jpg | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Stanley, Bungalow E today.jpg

Stanley, Bungalow E today.jpg

This is a probable not certain identification as the disposition of the St. Stephen's School bungalow area that once made up part of Stanley Internment Camp has changed since the destruction of Bungalow F.

Bungalow D and probably Bungalow E were in use in the early days of the camp but closed for some reason. They were opened again in 1943 to accomodate the people previously living in town who were sent into Stanley in spring and summer. Bungalow D was mainly for health workers, Bungalow E for bankers. Bungalow F was in continual use until it was shut down by the Japanese in early 1945 because of the black market activity that went on over the fence nearby. 
