Head Prefect may have been David Blake, but not recorded. Alvena Laihovetsky was second left back row.
CBS Prefects 1933 Mr Nightingale
Primary tabs

Submitted by agwellstead@gmail.com
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Sunday, January 1, 1933
- CBS Prefects 1933 Mr Nightingale shows Place Kowloon British School [1902- ]
- CBS Prefects 1933 Mr Nightingale shows Person Alvena WELLSTEAD / MAIN (née LAIHOVETSKY) [????- ]
- CBS Prefects 1933 Mr Nightingale shows Person Harry Eric GABRIEL [c.1916-2005]
My Dad Harry Eric Gabriel is
My Dad Harry Eric Gabriel is the second from the right in a light jacket. He must have been 17 years old. Wow.
Barb Mackenzie